Friday, January 7, 2011

We kick things off.


Here's who we are - Staci Swedeen and Jayne Morgan. Two long-time friends, theatre artists, writers and teachers and perpetual dreamers who are about to embark on an odyssey of creation. Does the world need another theatre? We think so. As long as it produces stories aimed square at the heart and the gut of the audience. Who doesn't want to be moved, to feel something profound?

Join us as we feel our way through the process...balancing hardnosed fiscal realities with pie-in-the-sky hopes. Make that an anvil-in-the-sky. Because if anvils can can we.

Hey y'all, watch this!



  1. Flying Anvil it is!! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!

  2. I love to watch things grow, Jayne, especially good theatre. Consider me a resource if you ever need it. Best of luck!

  3. Can't wait to see where this goes. You have the talent. There is no doubt about that.

  4. Jayne: This is tremendously exciting. Thank you for doing this, and let me know if I may assist.

  5. ps. If you need funding, you might want to check out this grassroots investment website called kickstarter dot com

    It allows for the posting of creative projects and you can enlist investors who can then contribute whatever amount toward it.

    If you raise the money you need, then the project goes. If not, the money does not come in. No one risks losing their money because you decide how much you need and give a certain amount of time for raising it from the people.

    Also, most those listing creative projects offer some kind of reward to investors.

    It will make more sense once you go over and check it out.

    Best of luck on this New Year!
